Time to write, Time to blog

I haven’t written a blog post in many months. I did however complete one novel and begin another.

So the question I’m asking is if authors of years gone by didn’t spend their time on social media, why was that such a bad thing?

I already know the answer to my own question. The market for publication was very different to the current one. But I still wonder why writers today need to make sure that they spend time on all the many social media platforms before they have even published one iota of work.

Again, I know the answer to that question. Writers need to create a profile online so that they are known before they are famous.

But surely, in order to be a writer, you need to produce the work first, a good finished draft to showcase yourself. Wouldn’t that be better than tweeting about it?

Anyway, I’m digging a hole for myself here because I know the answer to all of this.

– Time management

Today’s author has to be a writer and a business person, has to have a publisher’s hat on as well, also marketing and be their own agent, selling their work constantly through the current media du jour – the internet.

Perhaps the gap in my blog posting is just pure procrastination. (Now technically, I am producing the goods, writing wise, and that was the main reason for starting this blog, to support other writers stuck in limbo with their writing.)

Anyway, I’m back and rearing to go. So what have you been up to these last few months?

0 Responses

  1. Great to have you back. I blogged about this very thing a few weeks back, how a writer wears many hats. You’re absolutely right it’s about time management but it sounds as though your break was worth it. Congratulations on finishing the manuscript!

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Cecilia Carelse science fiction author

Hi, I'm Cecilia...

I’m an Irish, British, French-Italian/South African, movie loving, science fiction novelist. I live in the south-east of Ireland and love that one mug of coffee in the morning to welcome in the day!

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