Why do I fear stepping into the limelight and releasing my writing, my words, my voice into the world? I’ve delayed the launch of my novel ‘The Alien Eve’ from October last year and every step of the way I’m fighting with myself to just do it. Filled my time with studies, doing Nanowrimo for my fourth novel and getting a short story and poetry ready for another anthology but that’s no excuse.
I know it’s a good novel. Every time I’m proofing it, I find myself re-entering the world I’ve created and I’m once again there standing beside my characters, feeling their anguish, fears, joys, worrying for them. Until I catch myself and remember that I was supposed to be checking the novel, not reading it.
But it’s done. Complete. Edited. Proofed. Beta read. Proofed a few more times.
And still I fear its release.
Tonight, I going with a friend to see about a launch venue in one of the local pubs. I’m hoping to get a young female singer, perhaps two, to perform after the launch itself. There’ll be tapas and desserts so people can eat and drink and relax and enjoy themselves. A couple of speeches and a short (really short, one page max) reading. I know the attention span of launch attendees is tiny (Well, mine usually is, why inflict a long reading on everyone?)
And then I’ll look back on my fear the day after and say to myself,
‘Well, that wasn’t so bad, was it?’
3 responses
Hello Cecilia, I think that you should go ahead and publish your book. See what the response is, then you can get on with the next one. We wish you every success.
Thanks. Off to start that now. cheers, Ce.
The reminders wrote: Go as fast/slow as the wounded part of your body goes. So, what you feel is OK!